Because of this home brew experiment of dish making, a korean missionary discovered me and requested if i can install a religious TV program for them. At first i decline their offer but after some reflection and prayers and the reaction when they saw the channels pop out of their television screen, i agreed for a contract and I become part of their mission. My qualification is my home brew dish and my passion in Christianity. To date since August 2009 we already installed more than 400 units of c-band dish for their churches all over the Philippines.


Flashing Dreambox tru Telnet

have your dreambox flash with new image. in a flash, super fast :D

* backup your image and all settings and parameters by issuing a command in telnet using DCC.

cat /dev/mtd/3 > /tmp/backup.img

then hit enter. go to /tmp folder and save backup.img to a safe location.

download this good image for kambal with philippine satellite list

*delete the backup.img from /tmp. then ftp new image to /tmp and rename it backup.img

and issue telnet command

cd /tmp && eraseall /dev/mtd/3 && cp backup.img /dev/mtd/3 && reboot

hit enter.

*dont take coffee because no time to wait. you have new image in a flash!

this is for adult only.